Service Design Tools: The Proposition Wheel
One of my favourite tools in service design, has to be the proposition wheel. I learned how to create them when I worked with top agency, Engine. Back then I was on the client side of the fence.
As designers, we rightly spend most of our time looking outside in, from the customer/user perspective, understanding who they are, what they want and need. But this tool can help you think and look inside out, to define what you want to offer your customers.
Proposition wheels enable you to take your brand promise or organisational values and define what living those promises would mean in terms of what your customers experience through every touch point and channel. Hey presto, you have a target to deliver differentiation.
They are super, because they assist in that very tricky task of blending aspiration with operational constraints, to ensure your focus is on the things that matter most and will drive the most value.
So what’s this used tool for?
Generating new ideas in workshops
Evaluation of the current state
Applying existing metrics
Defining new metrics
Evaluation against competitors
Defining moments of truth
This example is one I built for one of my fave clients, boutique travel start-up, Faraway to help them create a vision for who they want to be for their customers as they grow.
How do you build one? I will be running a training webinar in August, so please fill out the contact page on the site if you’d like to join 🙌🏻